Hilton MVP 20% Discount Coupon & Promo Codes – Hilton Hotels and Resorts

Updated on February 11, 2018

Hilton logo Hilton MVP



Hilton makes it really easy for anyone to get a “corporate” discount and it doesn't require any tricks or pretending to work for another company. If you want to save 15-20% or more, easily, keep reading.

There are also many “corporate” discount codes which are only intended to be used by employees/affiliates of those companies. If you are friends with or related to a Hilton employee — you can save big with their discount program. I don't recommend using these codes unless you can prove affiliation as the hotels can (and sometimes do) ask for an employee identification. Or you can be like Justin Ross Lee and make fake business cards.  Haven't heard of Justin Ross Lee?  Watch this video – some people may find him offensive but he is entertaining!

UPDATE: Best Hilton Hotel Deal

The biggest discount you can get for hotels may come from the place you least suspect.  The Citi Prestige credit card comes with a “4th night free” benefit for any hotel stay booked through Citi Concierge.  Essentially, if you book a hotel for a minimum 4 night stay through the Citi Concierge service, the Citi Prestige card will refund you the 4th night's TOTAL cost, inclusive of taxes and fees.

I have found that the price per night quoted by Citi Concierge to be identical to the daily rate seen directly on the hotel's website.  This means that if the hotel costs $200 / nt for the first 3 nights, and $1,000 for the 4th night, Citi will refund you the $1,000 with the taxes and fees. An example of this kind of pricing would be around New Years Eve.  If you are still not convinced, click here to read up on how to get $1,350 worth of free AA / US Airway flights from the latest sign-up bonus offer by Citi.

  • Sign-Up Link – click the link, click “show more results” at the bottom until you see the Citi Prestige Card



The Hilton MVP code will give you a discount of 20% while Team USA will give you 15% off. The MVP code says “you must be an athletic administrator, athlete, or affiliated with a sports entity, sports-related company, sports group or event to be eligible” while the Team USA discount does not state any requirements.  The codes will not work at all hotels on all days and sometimes the discount will be less but these are more reliable than corporate codes.  It's best to search for a hotel using these two codes first before trying corporate codes.  This should give you the best hotel deals available. The discount may be higher or lower than other corporate codes, but I start here on the rare occasion that I'm paying cash for a hotel (and not using points).

  1. Hilton MVP20% discount – just login with your Hilton Honors account (get a free membership here). The corporate discount code will automatically be there so just search for the city and dates you need. Need further proof? Take a look at PDF1 and PDF2 to see a flyer about this discount.
  2. TeamUSAClick here to get a 15% discount


With the MVP discount, the DoubleTree Suites in NYC is available for $319 vs $399.  A savings of $80 per night (20%).

Hilton MVP Rate NYC

Hilton MVP Discount of 20%

The regular price: $399/night

Hilton MVP NYC - Regular Price

Hilton – Regular Price


When the code is not available, you will see an X next to corporate account instead of the green check mark as above.

Hilton MVP Code does not work

What you will see when the discount is NOT available.



There are also many corporate discount codes which are only intended to be used by employees/affiliates of those companies. In many cases, the employees don't know that such a discount exists. When I worked as a consultant, the client would often require that we use their corporate code so I could use the code even though I was not their employee (but I could easily show my client ID badge if need be).

I strongly recommend using these codes only if you can prove affiliation as the hotels can (and sometimes do) ask for an employee identification. Or you can be like Justin Ross Lee and make fake business cards.  Haven't heard of Justin Ross Lee?  Watch this video – it's a really funny video (or it might just make you a little upset).

The discounts with these corporate codes can range widely and they can sometimes even cost more than a standard rate!  They are hit or miss depending more on location and dates when compared to MVP and TeamUSA, but they may be worth a try.  You can dig through 100+ pages of this Flyertalk Forum and search google to read more about these codes.


Accenture 010850857
Akzo Noble 402371223
Blackstone N9880578
FedEx N0001231
FedEx 422795100
FedEx D058070459
FFEIE D600198360
General Electric 0072799100
Gold Medal 2635167
HP 009122532
IBM 0901452
IBM 001368083
Sixt D343260360



  1. Go to Hilton.com
  2. When searching for a room, simply enter the corporate code in the “Corporate account:” field (see pic below).
How to use Hilton Hotels Corporate Code

How to use a Hilton Corporate Code




Similar to the corporate codes, there are many promotion/offer codes that can give you discounts up to 40% or more (according to the forums), however, this will depend on the location and the dates you need.  In some cases, the codes I tried were more expensive than using no codes at all. Some of these codes may require some type of identification.






  1. Go to Hilton.com
  2. Promotion/Offer codes are similar to corporate codes but they need to be entered in the “Promotion/Offer code:” box instead (see pic below):
How to use a Hilton Hotels Promotion Offer Code

How to use a Hilton Promotion Offer Code




The discounts will work for many of the brands in the Hilton Hotel portfolio. The Hilton chain includes these brands:




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  1. Informative commentary . I was enlightened by the information , Does someone know where my company could possibly grab a template IRS 1040 form to fill in ?

  2. Does anyone want to help out a friend and add me to their Hilton Family & Friends? 😀 I have to go to my best friends wedding in March I need 4 days there, my HHonors number is ######. Thanks in advance!!

    • Michelle I would be willing to help you out with that as I am currently an employee. All I’d ask is that my HHonors be used as the primary name on the account so I receive the points.

      • Ricky,

        Can you help me out with this discount as well?

        I will gladly have your name on the HHonors account.

        Thanks in advance!

        • Greetings Ricky! If it’s not too much of a hassle could I too be added to your Family & Friends? I’ll be heading to New Orleans Memorial Day weekend. Of course your name would be on the account. My email address is [email protected]

        • Hello Ricky. I came across this forum post and I fell odd imposing like this, but if there is any way possible to be added to the Family & Friends list, that would be amazing. I will be heading to San Diego this week. I would love to repay you somehow, perhaps have you collect all the points for the stay. Please let me know.

          My email is: [email protected]

          Thank you so much!

        • Dear Dear Ricky …
          You are SUCH a kind person! If you could help me and my family out with your family&friends discount, I will certainly pay the fVor forward! That’s what people do, right?!

      • Hi Michelle,

        I was wondering if you could put me on your F&F I stay at hotels about 5 days a month and would gladly use your HHonors each time.
        here is my email
        [email protected]


        Let me know
        Thank you so much!

      • Hey Ricky,

        I know everyone is asking you to help them save a few bucks just because they want a deal but your helping me will go far beyond just getting a discount. I just read about the incredible savings/rates Hilton offers their employees and just wasted hours (I don’t even have minutes to waste at this point) trying to figure out if I can somehow gain access. I’m not really even sure if you can help but I’m in a MAJOR bind (long, horrible story involving being tricked and ending in a surprise eviction

      • Hey Ricky,

        Can you add me to you F&F account, couple of friends will be heading out this presidents day weekend to Oxnard along with our families. Will be needing about 3 – 5 rooms, you can have the points. Let me know!

      • hey ricky.. an u help me out.. my buddy wedding is on may 12 and 14 and i love hilton and i never stayed anywhere else..but im a bit short on cash on those dates..is there anyway u can help me and add me to yournfreidns and family list
        my number is 480 799 8883 if u need to reach me. and my Hhonor# is ***REMOVED BY ADMIN***

        hotel is so expensive..but wouldnt want to miss my best buddy wedding cause of it..anything appriciated would help

      • Hi Ricky,

        Would you be willing to help me out as well? Will be travelling a few times in the next few weeks with family. Would be more than glad to add your HHonors so that you receive the points. my email is [email protected]


      • Hi Ricky,
        Can you please also add me to your Friends and Family? I can also have your name on the reservation for the HHonors points. My email is [email protected]. I really appreciate it if you can.


  3. Does any one have a special promotional code or discount they might not use before the end of January for my daughter & I are having two of her friends swim and sleepover? I’m a HH silver member?

  4. I was wondering if anyone that is a Hilton employee could add me to your friends and family!! I would be more than happy to use your hhonors number! I am surprising my daughter with a trip to California in June for her 16th birthday. I was wanting to stay 2 nights in San Diego and 5 nights in Anaheim/Los Angeles area!
    Thank you in advance!!

  5. Hey nice post. I hope it’s alright that I shared it on my Facebook, if not,
    no issues just tell me and I’ll remove it. Either way keep up
    the great work.

  6. Hi,
    Can someone add me to their Hilton Friends and Family List? I would be willing to use your HH# as primary # or even paying for it or trading gift cards??
    email me if anyone is interested in adding me: [email protected]

  7. any one have a dispcunt codes or promo code i cant use for may 12 – throught may 14 for elara ?

    please help me and add me to your friend lis or employee benifit list or somethinf ?

    my email is [email protected]

  8. Hi to a Hilton Emoloyee,
    My partner and I are going to Miami for my 50th birthday. I would love to be added as friends and family.
    I can use your HHonors account so you can earn the points. We are also going to Europe, so you will be a great help as I am unemployed and back in college and I would really appreciate your assistance.
    [email protected]

  9. Ricky,

    Can you help me out with this discount as well?

    I will gladly have your name on the HHonors account.

    Thanks you..

  10. Anyone want to add me as family & friends?
    its my bachelorette party April 21-23rd in Chicago.

    I will give you all my HH points. I travel for work atleast twice a month.

  11. Was looking to take my 8th grader for her grad prez to either Oxnard or Santa Barbara across from the beach. Im at Hilton member but rates are a bit higher than we were looking to send. Just a short 2 day trip in the middle of the week. Does anyone have any tips? Greatly appreciated if anyone has any advice.

  12. Can someone add me to their family and friends. Happy for you to have my points, just want cheaper rates for hawaii in October 🙂

  13. Hello Ricky,

    I’d be glad if you could help us out too. Vacationing in Fort Lauderdale Beach in 2 weeks. No issues with using your Hhonors so that you get the points. Thanks

  14. Hi. I am retired and would like to start traveling and was wondering if someone would be willing to add me to their friends and family list. I would be willing to pay a small yearly fee. My email is: [email protected]. Thanks.

  15. My brother just lost his job at The Hilton due to union issue layoffs 
    I no longer have the Friends and Family rate, which I used monthly.

    Anyone able to add me to theirs?
    Thank you, in advance….

    [email protected]

  16. Hello all. I was wondering if there is anyone that would be willing to add me to friends and family rate as well. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

  17. Hello,

    Does anyone know what code I would use when booking for the Hilton Team Member discount to see what is available for the next few months?

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